The American foursquare house is present in virtually every city neighborhood developed in the first half of the twentieth century. Resulting from its inexpensive, yet practical, spacious, and engaging design, the American foursquare became the dwelling of selection for families with modest means trying to purchase or build new homes throughout the United States.
Your own home is now dried-in”, with sheathed walls, door, home windows and roofing. The following step is to rent subcontractors for heating, plumbing, and electrical tough-ins. The heat and air subcontractor often puts in ductwork first, then plumbers and electricians work around the ducts to run the wires and pipes before the inside walls are covered. After our home was dried-in” and the tough-ins completed, we took over the remaining building. Up until this level a friend who had expertise in contracting properties had assisted us. His help had been invaluable. Now we were on …